We are continuing with the highest level of safety and sanitation for our office. We disinfect everything in the room after each appointment, work to keep the waiting room clear, and take precautions to minimize exposure of our potentially infected patients with others. Ill individuals are being seen in a separate area of the building, used specifically for that purpose.
About COVID-19:
Information about COVID-19 is swarming social media and the internet. For continuous (non-social media) updates, please visit the CDC, WHO or OSHA website.
COVID-19’s typical symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Illness can be mild to severe, and people occasionally show no symptoms. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure. If you have these symptoms you are likely at the most contagious stage, please stay home, and follow the above the above protocol.
COVID-19 is thought to spread through close contact with an infected person (this is a distance of 6 feet or less), or through coughing or sneezing. It is also possible to contract COVID-19 after touching a contaminated surface.
People with the highest risk of contracting COVID-19 include older people, and those with underlaying medical conditions: heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes.
COVID-19 Protocol:
- We have designated a separate wing of the building for all patients with respiratory illness and fever.
- If you are ill, please call ahead. You will be transferred to our designated COVID-19 triage nurse. You will be given instructions on where to park and enter the building. This will minimize contact with others
- For your appointment, we encourage you to check in, then return to your car. You can also call from your car to check in.
- We are now offering telehealth/telemedicine appointments. If you are interested in this option, call us! We will work to find the best solution to see you (for example: a combination of an in-person and telehealth visit).
Steps You Can Take:
- WASH YOUR HANDS: Protect yourself (and others) by washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water after being in a public place, blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are unavailable, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- AVOID: Avoid touching your face, avoid close contact with people who are sick, and avoid leaving your house if you are sick.
- COVER: Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue (or your elbow) if you cough or sneeze, and cover your nose and mouth with a face mask when around others if you are sick.